Goal Setting Into the Unknown

Since discovering I’m not alone in feeling challenged to set goals this year, I decided to share some of the things I think about, in case it’s helpful. One thing is for sure: for 2021 my approach is a bit looser. We don’t know the timing of the vaccine rollout and how the pandemic will continue to affect races. So, I’m choosing goals with back ups and some flexibility, just in case. With that said, here’s my thought process on goal setting:

First, I find it helpful to reflect on the past year before selecting new goals. There may be unfinished business to kick start your list of potential goals. After 2020, that is ABSOLUTELY true for me.

Consider different types of goals. I like to think about events/racing, community, personal bests, and process goals. It’s nice to have this variety, some of which are more in my control.

What will your return to racing look like? Choose your top events and races, and maybe a back-up plan for each, in case they get cancelled or go virtual. You can build out the rest of your calendar around those. 

How do you want to show up for the running community? There are so many ways to show up within the running community. Join a run group, volunteer for a race or a running related nonprofit, take part in conversations about the running industry and racial justice and equality, etc. I set a community-based running goals for the first time in 2019, and I’m the better for it. 

Personal Bests
Do you have a personal best in you? Maybe you want to run more miles in a year than you ever have, or try a new distance. Maybe a faster time or a consecutive run streak lights you up. Whatever you aim for, make it realistic. Maybe try tiered goals. I usually set an A, B, and C goal for races (and sometimes a secret A+ goal, something just for me).

How will you get where you want to go? It’s hard to control everything, but we have a lot of say in the process. Commit to foam rolling, to weekly core workouts, to better sleep or hydration. Process goals like this are really helpful for staying healthy and building toward time and endurance goals. 

I’ve put these into a handy worksheet, if you want to print it out to jot down ideas.

As you plan, ask: What am I excited about? What will bring me joy and satisfaction? When the pursuit of goals and happiness overlap, that’s where the real magic happens.

Choose the goals that speak most to you and that feel realistic given your current fitness, habits, and the times we are living in. While I’m hopeful we’ll see a return to group runs and larger scale races sometime in 2021, I am adjusting my plans in case it isn’t until the second half of the year.

I’d love to see snapshots of your worksheets or hear about your goals!