2021: All About the Flow

After a lot of hemming and hawing, I finally settled my 2021 run goals. Not knowing when the vaccine will be available to the young-ish, healthy masses is a pretty big wild card. I didn’t really want a repeat of 2020, where I felt like my goals were non-starters because of cancelled races. My hope was to strike a better balance, finding goals that are doable AND keep me motivated no matter what the world dishes out.

The key for me was landing on a word of the year. I don’t always choose one, but sometimes a word or mantra just pops out at me at the beginning of the year and I go with it. I realized this is the year for FLOW.

It has multiple meanings for me. 1) Go with the flow. Given all of the unknowns, the ability to let things roll off my back and be flexible seems extra important. 2) Find that flow state. This one applies to my design work, as well as my hobbies like running and knitting. When I am focused and all-in on doing something I love, I sometimes get so absorbed I lose track of time (or miles or whatever). That state is dreamy and wonderful, but I have to set myself up for it. Closing out distractions, notifications, not trying to multitask.

From there, my running-related goals seemed easier. I realized I should set some easy baselines that allow for flow and flexibility. So instead of trying to jump into new mileage territory, I set myself up to go for 2,500 miles again (Goal #1). This seems like a really good baseline. There’s room for a couple of down months. If I do more, great.

I have officially signed up for two races in 2021, with all my fingers and toes crossed. The first is Carmel Marathon just north of me in April, and the second is the Indiana Trail 50 Mile at Chain O Lakes State Park, the same one I ran in October 2019. Hopefully I can get in a second marathon in the summer between these two. For the goals, I went simple. I hope to get a marathon PR (Goal #2) of any amount and just finish the 50 mile-ultra (Goal #3).

My last goal is a little more fuzzy: to find joy with running (Goal #4). Normally I love the process of training, but I have moments where I lose sight of the joy and focus on fatigue or negative thoughts about whether I’ll meet my goals. As I attempt a marathon PR, I want to keep this one in mind. I think I’ll probably re-read Deena Kastor’s book Let Your Mind Run since it helped me so much with redirecting negative thoughts.

One of the biggest outlets for finding joy is making running about more than me and my goals. One of my community goals is to bring creativity and inclusion into a new role as a co-lead for the Indiana Volée, the running group I’ve been a part of for the last several years. I’ve gotten so much from being part of the team, and I really want to help others jump in and feel that same magic. Also on my wishlist: I’ve been meaning to join the Indiana Trail Running Association for the last two years and I’d like to volunteer for at least one race. And of course, I want to grow my coaching and add at least three more athletes to the Right as Run crew.

Sort of related: while I am not counting this as one of my running goals, it’s a close cousin. I just started the process of getting 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certification, and I hope to offer yoga for runners.

So, to recap, my 2021 goals are:
1) Run 2,500 miles
2) Get a marathon PR
3) Finish a 50-miler
4) Find joy

While I can imagine myself wanting some more challenges if the world re-opens fully (I’m still thinking about that mile PR and a first 5K), I’ll just add as I go. I think I’ll just chant on repeat: flow, joy, flow, joy…

#WriteAsRun Prompt No. 7: This is the year for…
Let’s face it. Many of us had to throw our run goals into the dumpster fire along with so much of the year that was 2020. But it’s a new year, friends. What’s in store for 2021? Any resolutions or goals? [Try Right as Run’s goal setting worksheet!]
January 1, 2021