About Right as Run

Hello, and welcome to Right as Run! I’m Sara McGuyer, a distance runner, writer, designer, and an RRCA-certified run coach based in Bedford, MA near Boston.

I believe in finding joy and gratitude in the process of training. This mindset has helped me finish some pretty tough races (and rough patches in life too). I’m an 18-time marathoner, 2-time Boston Qualifier, 2-time 50K and 2-time 50-mile finisher. I started as a back of the pack runner and worked my way up to getting age groups awards and nabbing that BQ. I’m excited to help others find joy, feel strong, and work toward their running goals through one-on-one coaching.

Part of the reason I decided to become a certified running coach is because only with hindsight did I realize how little I knew for my first several marathons. I was able to get the job done by following a generic plan, but I could have run stronger and enjoyed my races more if I’d gotten professional advice about things like proper fueling and race strategy.

The initial spark to become a certified coach actually came from a client request to add a movement break for a team retreat I facilitated through my design work at Yes and Yonder. Right as Run is officially a subsidiary of YAY.

Initially, Right as Run began as an outlet for sharing my journey as I pursue the goal to run a marathon in all 50 of the United States. I hope to finish this challenge by my early sixties. It’s kind of my life-long fitness plan. While RaR has grown to add run coaching services, writing about running is still at the heart of this website. I have a creative writing degree, and these two practices make me whole. One completes the other. Motion and stillness. Action and reflection. Running and writing.

Distance has been my jam, specifically the marathon, though I have opened myself up to longer and shorter distances. I recently aged into being a masters runner, and I’m working to be faster as a master while I still can. I am also a member of the Oiselle Volée team, a membership-based women’s running group.

Thanks for stopping by!
Sara McGuyer

Please note: This website features opinions and personal experiences, and reading this content should not be taken as direct coaching or professional advice of any kind.