Getting Out the Door

Yesterday marked my first truly bundled up run. I’ve been holding out and wearing shorts, and I wasn’t super happy about thick socks and long tights. It was not quite 30º with a feels-like temp in the teens, so I had to suck it up and layer up. I love winter running, so it usually isn’t a big deal to get out there, but those transitional times before I can acclimate… woof.

When I’m dragging my feet, here’s how I get myself out the door:

Do a warm up inside. I do arm circles, torso twists, and leg swings before pretty much every run, but when it’s cold out, I add to the routine to build up some internal heat. Jumping jacks are a go-to because I can quickly warm up enough to make the initial blast of cold air feel refreshing.

Embrace the season we’re in. To make a run more festive, I’ll go for seasonal fuel. There’s just something about a mini candy cane pre-run. Or, I take routes where I know there are a lot of holiday lights. It helps with all the running in the dark.

Hand holding a mini candy cane and an iPod shuffle
One from the archives (12-1-2015): when the Shuffle was my constant run companion and I first discovered the wonders of seasonal fueling.

Reminder to self: I love this. I know if I just get going, I usually shake off any blah feelings within the first .25 to .5 mile. Sometimes I have to remind myself with a little pep talk.

If all else fails…
Take my dog! His joy to get out and about is contagious and really helps turn my mood around.

#WriteAsRun Prompt No. 6: Getting out the door.
There are those days you can’t wait to run. Then there are those when you just can’t seem to get it together. What are the tricks you use to get out the door when the going gets tough? Once you’re moving, does your mindset change at all?