My Little Hill

There’s this little hill I visit almost once a week. It’s nestled into a 100-acre wood in the middle of the city. The park looks like nothing more than an open green field from the road. It’s a drive-by place for many. Not everyone realizes there are these beautiful stone steps, the hills and ravines,…

Beat the Heat

It hit me recently while in my fourth mile on an 80+ degree day that I hadn’t melted down or internally complained even once. I was actually enjoying myself out there. I realized I have accumulated a series of mental tricks that help me handle the heat…

Hello, Fall Racing

Just like that, it’s time for a new training cycle! My big fall race is the Indiana Trail 50 Mile (which I’ve run before). I’m also planning to run Sioux Falls Marathon as part of the build up. It has been a lovely break, but I’m feeling ready to get back at it. Signs I am ready for training again…

From Fair Weather to Foam Roller

When it comes to foam rolling, I’ve been pretty fair weather. Using it when I need it—or, in other words, when problems start to crop up. As part of a month-long challenge run by Anna Weber, I foam rolled (almost) every day for a month. Here’s what I learned…