Beat the Heat

It hit me recently while in my fourth mile on an 80+ degree day that I hadn’t melted down or internally complained even once. I was actually enjoying myself out there. I realized I have accumulated a series of mental tricks that help me handle the heat…

Hello, Fall Racing

Just like that, it’s time for a new training cycle! My big fall race is the Indiana Trail 50 Mile (which I’ve run before). I’m also planning to run Sioux Falls Marathon as part of the build up. It has been a lovely break, but I’m feeling ready to get back at it. Signs I am ready for training again…

The Comeback

Post-marathon, my coach asked me to take a full week off (or even two) from running since I had quad issues pop up during my taper and the race. Though I knew I’d get antsy (spolier alert: totally did!) I agreed to nine full days off. Excerpts from my return to running…